1. Requirements
QT 4.2.3 - I use this version for development. Maybe it will compile with lower version such as QT 4.2.2 or 4.2.1. I don't know. You have to try.
SQLite 3.3.x. I use 3.3.16 now
QT 4 development tools
gcc some version. I use 4.1.2
2. Compile
1. download the source
2. untar it - tar -xzvf qcat-0.5-src.tar.gz
3. cd qcat-dist-0.5
4. here is the tricky part.
Perhaps you use QT 3.3.x. So to compile qcat you have export QT_DIR and PATH for QT4.
Check where is installed QT4. For example if QT4 is in /opt/qt4 type these commands:
export QT_DIR=/opt/qt4
export PATH=/opt/qt4/bin:$PATH
5. run qmake
6. make
7. If all is ok, the result shall be an executable file in qcat-dist-0.5/bin named qcat.
8. run it and enjoy.
3. Install
I've not written any install target, script or so on, so you can just copy "qcat" file somewhere in you path. The install script/target is is in my TODO list.